Category: News

November Madness

We’ll be back up in The Art School this Friday 13th for our usual Danse-til-you-drop shenanigans, a fiver gets you in as ever.

We’re also hosting our good friends PSYDOLL again, on Tuesday 24th November, again a fiver will get you through the door to see Japan’s finest cyberpunk band, as well as the industrial torch stylings of hausfrau and hardware noise of Hoor Paar Kraat.

And if you want an e-ticket to the gig that’ll get you in to DM for free: just grab one off Skiddle.

See you there!

Happy birthday to us!

Firstly, a huge thank  you to everyone – we’ve raised £138.31 for Shelter, from your donations when requesting songs. We look forward to continuing to raise money for such a great cause over the coming months.

And with that in mind: five years, where has it all gone? Up in a puff of smoke machines, most likely. We’re celebrating our fifth birthday in September, and you’re invited!

We’ll be back in The Art School for our birthday next month, really looking forward to playing some new goth and disco for your delight. See you there!

The return of Danse Macabre!

We’re proud to announce that we will be doing a special Danse Macabre on Saturday July 11th, at The Art School!

We hope this will be the start of a new series of club nights every few months, but we need your help! Spread the word via our Facebook and Twitter, share our Facebook event, and come along to support your local spooksters.

We’d love to see you there. Get dansing!
Team DM


We will be back in July 2015, more details when they are confirmed.
Watch this space, and keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter for the exact date.


Heartbreak Beat

Whilst we prepare for new adventures in 2015, DJ Catnip is now playing a fortnightly goth/disco radio show on Subcity Radio, called Heartbreak Beat, playing new and exciting dark music, as well as all the non-dancefloor-friendly stuff that even we couldn’t get away with!

Give it a listen, get in the mood for a danse, and we’ll be back next year!